IHL MOOC open for pre-enrollment!

The Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum, the platform within the Grotius Centre at Leiden University for the research, teaching and dissemination of international humanitarian law (IHL), is proud to present its first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The online course, “International Humanitarian law in Theory and Practice”, is now open for pre-enrollment in Coursera

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We are looking for new IHL Clinic students, who will work on the ongoing research project “IHL in Action”, hosted by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Application deadline: Wednesday 12 September, 12pm. See our Call for Applications for more details!

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Recordings IHL MOOC

It’s a wrap! Last Friday we recorded the final knowledge clips for our IHL MOOC. The Centre for Innovation recorded module 1 Introduction into IHL, where Dr. Robert Heinsch talks about the why and how of the law of armed conflict. Curious about our following step? Next week we will start conducting

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IHL Clinic Presentation at ECCHR (Berlin)

On Monday, 2 July 2018, four LL.M. students of one of our IHL Clinic teams, along with their supervisor, travelled to Berlin for the purpose of presenting their research and report on a particular project to a KGF cooperation partner – the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).

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IHL Clinic Presentation at The Spindle and Humanity X

The KGF is proud to announce that on 26 June 2018, as part of a monthly working session organised by The Spindle and Humanity X (Centre for Innovation, Leiden University), one of our IHL Clinic teams presented their report ‘Towards a Responsible Approach to Data’. The team discussed their findings and

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Production of IHL MOOC has started

The production of the first Massive Open Online Course (‘MOOC’) on International Humanitarian Law of the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum has started. On 11 April, KGF Director Dr. Robert Heinsch and MOOC teaching associate Ms. Cinny Buys, LL.M., together with their colleagues Joasia van Kooten and Monique Snijder from the Leiden Centre

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Bochum International Humanitarian Law Clinic

KGF Director Dr. Robert Heinsch will initiate a new International Humanitarian Law Clinic at the Institute for the Law of the Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) at Bochum University, Germany, as of April 2018. The Leiden International Humanitarian Law Clinic will continue with its activities during this time. Like the

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Launch of ICRC’s ‘IHL in Action’ Database

The KGF is proud to announce that on Wednesday, 27 September, the ICRC launched the ‘IHL in Action’ database in the context of its project ‘IHL in Action: Respect for the law on the battlefield’. The IHL in Action website is a collection of real case-studies documenting compliance with IHL

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In Memoriam: Prof. em. Frits Kalshoven

The Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum and its staff are sad to have lost not only their name giver, emeritus professor and outstanding expert in IHL, but also a wonderful human being: so kind, friendly and humble, that it is hard to describe with words. Our thoughts are with his wife, family, friends

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