The Leiden Guidelines on Digitally Derived Evidence: An Online Practitioners’ Tool
The KGF’s Digitally Derived Evidence (DDE) Project examines the different legal standards of evidence applicable at various national and international accountability fora for the adjudication of international crimes. The project was initiated in 2019 by Dr. Emma Irving and KGF Director Dr. Robert Heinsch and offered the opportunity for Leiden IHL Clinic students to contribute to the research.
The DDE Project has culminated in the creation of the online and accessible Leiden DDE Database, housing the Leiden Guidelines on the Use of Digitally Derived Evidence in International Criminal Courts and Tribunals (the “Leiden Guidelines”) and other practitioners’ resources. These resources seek to support international accountability mechanisms through the in-depth exploration of evidentiary questions surrounding the use of Digitally Derived Evidence.
The DDE Project has made use of the expertise and infrastructure of both the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum on International Humanitarian Law and its IHL Clinic as well as the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University. The research is funded by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Switzerland.