Our Leiden IHL Clinic students and KGF staff participated in the 2022 IHL Clinic Exchange Conference at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Each year either the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict in Bochum, the KGF at Leiden Law School, or Università Roma Tre will host an IHL Clinic Exchange Conference where students and practitioners convene to present their current projects, participate in practical simulations, and learn from workshops, panel discussions, and on-site visits.
This year our students made an in-depth experience on the theme: “IHL in Despair? IHL in Action? Perspectives and answers from military, politics, civil society and academia”. The exchange part of the IHL RED project (Research, Education and Dissemination of International Humanitarian Law) and is sponsored by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union for cooperation partnerships in higher education.